The ITM - SWMM Model


ITM-SWMM is a fork of the public domain U.S. EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) that includes the Illinois Transient Model (ITM) as an optional flow routing method. SWMM is a distributed rainfall-runoff-routing ... simulation model designed for both single-event and long-term (continuous) simulations of runoff quantity and quality, primarily in urban areas. For more details on SWMM, visit this link. ITM is a finite-volume, shock-capturing model used to simulate the dynamics of rapidly filling and draining sewer systems. For more information on ITM, visit this link.

Technical Support

For a consultation via email or a Zoom call click here


ITM-SWMM is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Snapshots of some ITM-SWMM elements and results for a combined sewer system

Typical Applications

The ITM-SWMM model is applicable to various hydraulic and sewer system analyses, including:

  • Evaluating the impact of gate closures on transient flow formation in combined sewer systems
  • Assessing the potential for surge formation
  • Modeling hydraulic transients involving simultaneous free-surface and pressurized flows in closed-conduit systems
  • Analyzing filling conditions in combined sewer systems, from dry-bed flows to free-surface flows, transitioning to partially free-surface and partially pressurized flows, and ultimately to fully pressurized flows
  • Simulating catchments and collector systems


The ITM-SWMM model is being used for the transient and non-transient analysis of various combined sewer systems in the United States. Below is an incomplete list of users:

  • Sam Glovick (, Wade Trim, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

ITM-SWMM executables


Description (*)



ITM-SWMM executable V. 2.0

This is an standalone version

(*) The flow routing DLL in ITM-SWMM is identical to that in ITM. As a result, ITM-SWMM and ITM share the same version number.




Input file



Bypass Gate with Depth Control

Input file Report


Catchment and Collector System

Input file Report


Pumps with Depth Control

Input file Report

Code in GitHub

The ITM-SWMM model will be posted soon in GitHub. The code will be hosted at this Github link

Technical Support & Consultation

The hourly rate for ITM-SWMM technical support or any type of consultation is $300. To request support, please email with a description of the issue. You will receive a response with an estimated quote within 24 hours.

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