MPL Publications

Peer reviewed

For exhaustive list visit Jessica's Google Scholar page


  • Pei J, Ajmal, Sanchez A, Boonya-Ananta T, Ramella-Roman JC Multimodal imaging of cervical structures during pregnancy, Proc.Spie

  • 2024

  • Ramella-Roman JC, Mahendroo M, Raoux C, Latour G, and Schanne-Klein MC (2024) "Quantitative Assessment of Collagen Remodeling during a Murine Pregnancy." ACS Photonics 2024, 11, 9, 3536–3544.

  • Goncharov A, Gorocs Z, Pradhan R, Ko B, Ajmal, Rodriguez A, Baum D, Veszpremi, Yang, Pindrys Y, Zheng M, Ramella-Roman JC, McShane MJ, Ozcan Aydogan "Insertable Glucose Sensor Using a Compact and Cost-Effective Phosphorescence Lifetime Imager and Machine Learning." (2024) ACS nano.

  • Boonya-Ananta T, Gonzalez M, Ajmal A, Du Le VN, DeHoog E, Paidas MJ, Jayakumar A, Ramella-Roman JC. Speculum-free portable preterm imaging system. J Biomed Opt. 2024 May;29(5):052918. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.29.5.052918. Epub 2024 Jan 27. PMID: 38282917; PMCID: PMC10821769.

  • Novikova T, Ovchinnikov A, Pogudin G, Ramella-Roman JC. Time-efficient filtering of imaging polarimetric data by checking physical realizability of experimental Mueller matrices. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England).:btae348.

  • J. Rodriguez, Sandhya Vasudevan, Masoud Farahmand, Sandy Weininger, William C. Vogt, Christopher G. Scully, Jessica Ramella-Roman, and T. Joshua Pfefer, "Tissue mimicking materials and finger phantom design for pulse oximetry," Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 2308-2327 (2024)

  • Vitkin A, Ramella-Roman JC, Ghosh N. Special Section Guest Editorial: Polarimetry in Biomedical Optics. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2024 May;29(5).

  • 2023

  • Charlton PH, Allen J, Bailón R, Baker S, Behar JA, Chen F, Clifford GD, Clifton DA, Davies HJ, Ding C, Ding X, Dunn J, Elgendi M, Ferdoushi M, Franklin D, Gil E, Hassan MF, Hernesniemi J, Hu X, Ji N, Khan Y, Kontaxis S, Korhonen I, Kyriacou PA, Laguna P, Lázaro J, Lee C, Levy J, Li Y, Liu C, Liu J, Lu L, Mandic DP, Marozas V, Mejía-Mejía E, Mukkamala R, Nitzan M, Pereira T, Poon CCY, Ramella-Roman JC, Saarinen H, Shandhi MMH, Shin H, Stansby G, Tamura T, Vehkaoja A, Wang WK, Zhang YT, Zhao N, Zheng D, Zhu T. The 2023 wearable photoplethysmography roadmap. Physiol Meas. 2023 Nov 29;44(11):111001. doi: 10.1088/1361-6579/acead2. PMID: 37494945; PMCID: PMC1068628.

  • 2022

  • Gonzalez, M.; Boonya-Ananta, T.; Madhivanan, P.; Ramella-Roman, J.C. "Cervical Imaging in the Low Resource Setting: A Review." Biosensors 2022, 12, 786.

  • S Yan, S.L. Jacques, J.C. Ramella-Roman, Q. Fang,"Graphics-processing-unit-accelerated Monte Carlo simulation of polarized light in complex three-dimensional media," J Biomed Opt. 2022 May;27(8):083015. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.27.8.083015. PMID: 35534924; PMCID: PMC9084406.

  • Robert M. Trout, Einstein Gnanatheepam, Ahmed Gado, Christopher Reik, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Martin Hunter, Thomas Schnelldorfer, and Irene Georgakoudi, "Polarization enhanced laparoscope for improved visualization of tissue structural changes associated with peritoneal cancer metastasis," Biomed. Opt. Express 13, 571-589 (2022)

  • A.J. Rodriguez, T. Boonya-Ananta, M. Gonzalez, V.N. Du Le, J. Fine, C. Palacios, M. J. McShane, G. L. Coté, J.C. Ramella-Roman, "Skin optical properties in the obese and their relation to body mass index: a review," J. Biomed. Opt. 27(3) 030902 (29 March 2022)

  • 2021

  • Hee Ryung Lee, Ilyas Saytashev, Vinh Nguyen Du Le, Mala Mahendroo, Jessica Ramella-Roman, Tatiana Novikova "Mueller matrix imaging for collagen scoring in mice model of pregnancy" Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-12 (2021)

  • Jessica Claudia Ramella-Roman, Camilo Roa, Vinh Du Le, Ilyas Saytashev Systems and methods for visualizing elastin and collagen in tissue Publication date 2021/11/9 US Patent number 11170199 Application number 17342054

  • Camilo Roa, V. N. Du Le, Mala Mahendroo, Ilyas Saytashev, and Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, "Auto-detection of cervical collagen and elastin in Mueller matrix polarimetry microscopic images using K-NN and semantic segmentation classification," Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 2236-2249 (2021)

  • Jesse Fine, Kathe L Branan, Andres J Rodriguez, Tananat Boonya-Ananta, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Michael J McShane, Gerard L Coté “Sources of Inaccuracy in Photoplethysmography for Continuous Cardiovascular Monitoring” Biosensors 11 (4), 126, (2021)

  • Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Amir H. Gandjbakhche, Stephen C. Kanick, Babak Shadgan, Bruce J. Tromberg, "Special Section Guest Editorial: Wearable, Implantable, Mobile, and Remote Biomedical Optics Photonics," J. Biomed. Opt. 26(6), 062701 , doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.26.6.062701.(2021)

  • Mariacarla Gonzalez, Razvigor Ossikovski, Tatiana Novikova, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, “Introduction of a 3 x 4 Mueller matrix decomposition method" J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 424005 (2021)

  • Tananant Boonya-ananta, Andres J. Rodriguez, Ajmal Ajmal, Vinh Nguyen Du Le, Anders K. Hansen, Joshua D. Hutcheson, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Synthetic photoplethysmography (PPG) of the radial artery through parallelized Monte Carlo and its correlation to body mass index (BMI). Sci Rep 11, 2570 (2021)

  • Ajmal; Boonya-Ananta, Tananant; Rodriguez, Andres J.; Du Le, V. N.; Ramella-Roman, Jessica C. “Monte Carlo analysis of optical heart rate sensors in commercial wearables: the effect of skin tone and obesity on the photoplethysmography (PPG) signal,” Biomedical Optics Express 12(12) 7445-7457 (2021)

  • 2020

  • Ilyas Saytashev, Sudipta Saha, Joseph Chue-Sang, Pedro Lopez, Megan Laughrey, and Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, "Self-validating Mueller matrix Micro–Mesoscope (SAMMM) for the characterization of biological media," Opt. Lett. 45, 2168-2171 (2020)

  • Vashist Arti, Atluri Venkata, Raymond Andrea, Kaushik Ajeet, Parira Tiyash, Huang Zaohua, Durygin Andriy, Tomitaka Asahi, Nikkhah-Moshaie Roozbeh, Vashist Atul, Agudelo Marisela, Chand Hitendra S., Saytashev Ilyas, Ramella-Roman Jessica C., Nair Madhavan, “Development of Multifunctional Biopolymeric Auto-Fluorescent Micro- and Nanogels as a Platform for Biomedical Applications, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology”,8,2020,

  • J Chue-Sang and J C Ramella-Roman, Optimization of the incident wavelength for Mueller Matrix imaging of cervical collagen, Asian Journal of Physics (Invited) ISSN: 0971 - 3093 Vol 29, Nos 1&2, January-February, 2020.

  • Chaparro D, Dargam V, Alvarez P, et al. A Method to Quantify Tensile Biaxial Properties of Mouse Aortic Valve Leaflets [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 15]. J Biomech Eng. 2020;10.1115/1.4046921. doi:10.1115/1.4046921

  • Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, Ilyas Saytashev, Mattia Piccini, “A review of polarization based imaging technologies for clinical and pre-clinical applications,” 2020 J. Opt. 22 123001

  • Mariacarla Gonzalez, Karla Alejandra Montejo, Karl Krupp, Vijaya Srinivas, Edward DeHoog, Purnima Madhivanan, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, "Design and implementation of a portable colposcope Mueller matrix polarimeter," J. Biomed. Opt. 25(11) 116006

  • V. N. Du Le, Ilyas Saytashev, Sudipta Saha, Pedro F. Lopez, Megan Laughrey, and Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, "Depth-resolved Mueller matrix polarimetry microscopy of the rat cornea," Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 5982-5994 (2020)

  • 2019

  • Joseph Chue-Sang, Mariacarla Gonzalez, Angie Pierre, Megan Laughrey, Ilyas Saytashev, Tatiana Novikova, Jessica C. Ramella-Roman, "Optical phantoms for biomedical polarimetry: a review," J. Biomed. Opt. 24(3), 030901 (2019), doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.24.3.030901.

  • A. Alkhalil, B. C. Carney, T. E. Travis, S. Muhie, S. A. Miller, J. C. Ramella-Roman, P. Ghassemi, R. Hammamieh, M. Jett, L. T. Moffatt, J. W. Shupp, Dyspigmented Hypertrophic Scars: beyond Skin Color. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res, (2019).

  • M. Tesfamariam, A. Mirza, D. Chaparro, A. Ali, R. Montalvan, I Saytashev, B. Gonzalez, A. Barreto, J. Ramella-Roman, J. Hutcheson, S. Ramaswamy, “Elastin-Dependent Aortic Heart Valve Leaflet Curvature Changes During Cyclic Flexure,” Bioengineering, 6, 39; doi:10.3390/bioengineering6020039 (2019)

  • 2018

  • Travis TE, Ghassemi P, Prindeze NJ, Moffatt LT, Carney BC, Alkhalil A, Ramella-Roman JC, Shupp JW. "Matrix Metalloproteinases Are Differentially Regulated and Responsive to Compression Therapy in a Red Duroc Model of Hypertrophic Scar, Eplasty. 2018 Jan 5;18:e1. eCollection 2018.

  • Alkhalil A, Carney BC, Travis TE, Muhie S, Miller SA, Ramella-Roman JC, Ghassemi P, Hammamieh R, Jett M, Moffatt LT, Shupp JW., "Key Cell Functions are Modulated by Compression in an Animal Model of Hypertrophic Scar." Wounds. 2018 Dec;30(12):353-362. Epub 2018 Sep 30. PMID: 30304713

  • J Chue-Sang, N Holness, M Gonzalez, J Greaves, I Saytashev, S Stoff, Ramella-Roman, "Use of Mueller matrix colposcopy in the characterization of cervical collagen anisotropy," Journal of biomedical optics 23 (12), 121605, 2018

  • N Sevilla, I Saytashev, P Lopez, J Chue-Sang, H Wertheim,J.C. Ramella-Roman, "Measurements of retinal temperature using Laser Speckle Imaging (LSI)," Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59 (9), 6202-6202, 2018 ARVO ABSTRACT

  • I Saytashev, N Lopez, J Chue-Sang, J Ramella-Roman, " Simultaneous second harmonic generation and Mueller Matrix polarimetry imaging of the rat cornea," Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 59 (9), 5844-5844, 2018 ARVO ABSTRACT

  • A. H. Hielscher, J. Ramella-Roman, L. V. Wang, “Special Section Guest Editorial: Pioneer in Biomedical Optics: Introduction to the Special Section in Honor of Steven L. Jacques” 23, 12, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2018

  • 2017

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