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Section 1.6 - Review Exercise

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1. Label the parts of the aircraft shown below.

A. B.
C. D.
E. F.
G. H.
I. J.
K. L.

2. Complete the chart of landing gear types by filling in the first column with the correct term: conventional, tricycle, or tandem. Use the description to guide you.

A. Easiest for pilot to make a safe landing.
B. The landing gear is in two sets on the fuselage. Allows the use of highly flexible wing.
C. Most difficult for pilot to control the plane. Used in earlier aircraft; would often pitch over.


3. Match the following statements with the BEST response. Choose the appropriate answer from the drop down menu.

A. Structure on a wing that supports the skin and provides the airfoil shape.
B. The type of fuselage where the skin and internal braces carry the flight stresses.
C. Movable section of the horizontal stabilizer that pitches nose up or down.
D. Type of stress that pulls things apart.
E. Vertical structure that prevents an airplane from rolling over.
F. Movement up and down, back and forth.
G. Type of stress which is caused by twisting.
H. Structure bearing the major part of the wing's load.
I. Body of a plane that must be strong and streamlined.
J. Strongest type of system for attaching the wings to the fuselage.

[To see correct answer click here]




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Updated: February 17, 1999