Mirror API

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypeMirror
com.sun.mirror.declaration Interfaces used to model program element declarations. 
com.sun.mirror.type Interfaces used to model types. 
com.sun.mirror.util Utilities to assist in the processing of declarations and types

Uses of TypeMirror in com.sun.mirror.declaration

Methods in com.sun.mirror.declaration that return TypeMirror
 TypeMirror MethodDeclaration.getReturnType()
          Returns the formal return type of this method.
 TypeMirror ParameterDeclaration.getType()
          Returns the type of this parameter.
 TypeMirror FieldDeclaration.getType()
          Returns the type of this field.

Uses of TypeMirror in com.sun.mirror.type

Subinterfaces of TypeMirror in com.sun.mirror.type
 interface AnnotationType
          Represents an annotation type.
 interface ArrayType
          Represents an array type.
 interface ClassType
          Represents a class type.
 interface DeclaredType
          Represents a declared type, either a class type or an interface type.
 interface EnumType
          Represents an enum type.
 interface InterfaceType
          Represents an interface type.
 interface PrimitiveType
          Represents a primitive type.
 interface ReferenceType
          Represents a reference type.
 interface TypeVariable
          Represents a type variable.
 interface VoidType
          A pseudo-type representing the type of void.
 interface WildcardType
          Represents a wildcard type argument.

Methods in com.sun.mirror.type that return TypeMirror
 TypeMirror ArrayType.getComponentType()
          Returns the component type of this array type.
 TypeMirror MirroredTypeException.getTypeMirror()
          Returns the type mirror corresponding to the type being accessed.

Methods in com.sun.mirror.type that return types with arguments of type TypeMirror
 Collection<TypeMirror> DeclaredType.getActualTypeArguments()
          Returns (in order) the actual type arguments of this type.
 Collection<TypeMirror> MirroredTypesException.getTypeMirrors()
          Returns the type mirrors corresponding to the types being accessed.

Constructors in com.sun.mirror.type with parameters of type TypeMirror
MirroredTypeException(TypeMirror type)
          Constructs a new MirroredTypeException for the specified type.

Constructor parameters in com.sun.mirror.type with type arguments of type TypeMirror
MirroredTypesException(Collection<TypeMirror> types)
          Constructs a new MirroredTypesException for the specified types.

Uses of TypeMirror in com.sun.mirror.util

Methods in com.sun.mirror.util that return TypeMirror
 TypeMirror Types.getErasure(TypeMirror t)
          Returns the erasure of a type.

Methods in com.sun.mirror.util with parameters of type TypeMirror
 ArrayType Types.getArrayType(TypeMirror componentType)
          Returns an array type with the specified component type.
 DeclaredType Types.getDeclaredType(DeclaredType containing, TypeDeclaration decl, TypeMirror... typeArgs)
          Returns the type corresponding to a type declaration and actual arguments, given a containing type of which it is a member.
 DeclaredType Types.getDeclaredType(TypeDeclaration decl, TypeMirror... typeArgs)
          Returns the type corresponding to a type declaration and actual type arguments.
 TypeMirror Types.getErasure(TypeMirror t)
          Returns the erasure of a type.
 boolean Types.isAssignable(TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2)
          Tests whether one type is assignable to another.
 boolean Types.isSubtype(TypeMirror t1, TypeMirror t2)
          Tests whether one type is a subtype of the another.
 void SimpleTypeVisitor.visitTypeMirror(TypeMirror t)
          Visits a type mirror.
 void TypeVisitor.visitTypeMirror(TypeMirror t)
          Visits a type mirror.

Mirror API

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