Selected Publications


·         Thant Zin Oo, Nguyen H. Tran, Choong  Seon Hong, Shaolei Ren and Gang Quan, “Power Management in Data Centers: Cost, Sustainability, and Demand Response”, in Energy Efficiency in Data Center, 2016 (accepted)

·         G. Quan and X. Hu, “Minimum Energy Fixed-Priority Scheduling for Variable Voltage Processors," in Design, Automation, and Test in Europe  - The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years DATE, R. Lauwereins and J. Madsen (Eds.), Springer, March 2008.

·         G. Quan and X. Hu, “Static Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scheduling", in Embedded Processor and System Design-A Low Power Perspective, J. Henkel and S. Parameswaran, (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, scheduled for publication in July 2007.

·         X. Hu and G. Quan, “Fundamentals of Power-Aware Scheduling," in Embedded Processor and System Design-A Low Power Perspective, J. Henkel and S. Parameswaran (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, scheduled for publication in July 2007.


·   T. Wang, S. Homsi, L. Niu, S. Ren, O. Bai, G. Quan, M. Qiu,  “Harmonicity Aware Task Partitioning for Fixed Priority Scheduling of Probabilistic Real-Time Tasks on Multi-Core Platforms”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2017 (accepted)

·   Qiushi Han, Ming Fan, Bai Ou, Shaolei Ren and Gang Quan, “Temperature-constrained feasibility analysis for multi-core scheduling", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2082-2092, 2016.

·   M. Islam, S. Ren, A. Mahmud, G. Quan, “Online Energy Budgeting for Cost Minimization in Virtualized Data Center”, IEEE Trans. On Service Computing (to appear)

·   M. Islam, S. Ren, G. Quan, M. Shakir, A. Vasilakos , “Water-Constrained Geographic Load Balancing in Data Centers”, IEEE Trans. On Cloud Computing (to appear)

·   M. Qiu, Z. Chen, J. Niu, Z. Zong, G. Quan, X. Qin and L. Yang, “Data Allocation for Hybrid Memory with Genetic Algorithm”, IEEE Trans. On Emerging Topics in Computing, V. 3, No. 4, 544-555, 2015.

·   L. Niu and G. Quan, “Peripheral–conscious energy–efficient scheduling for weakly hard real–time systems”, International Journal of Embedded Systems, v. 7, no. 1, pp.11-25, January 2015

·   Ming Fan, Rong Rong, Shuo Liu, Gang Quan, “Energy calculation for periodic multi-core scheduling in system thermal steady state with consideration of leakage and temperature dependency”, The Journal of Supercomputing (Springer), 71(7): 2565-2584, 2015

·   Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, Gang Quan, “Energy minimization for reliability-guaranteed real-time applications using DVFS and checkpointing techniques.” Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 61(2): 71-81, 2015

·   Zhi Chen, Meikang Qiu , Yongxin Zhu and Xiao Qin and Gang Quan, “Improving phasor data concentrators reliability for smart grid”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, V. 29, No 7, 1039-1049, doi: 10.1002/ett.2682, 2015

·   Ming Fan, Qiushi Han, Shuo Liu, Shaolei Ren, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren, “Enhanced fixed-priority real-time scheduling on multi-core platforms by exploiting task period relationship”, Journal of Systems and Software, V. 99, 85-96, September 2014

·   Qiushi Han, Linwei Niu, Gang Quan, Shaolei Ren, Shangping Ren, “Energy efficient fault-tolerant earliest deadline first scheduling for hard real-time systems.” Real-Time Systems, 50(5-6): 592-619 (2014)

·   M. Fan, and G. Quan, “Harmonic-Aware Multi-Core Scheduling For Fixed-Priority Real-Time Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 1476-1488, June 2014

·   H, Huang, M., Fan, and G. Quan, “Leakage and Temperature Aware Energy Minimization Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Systems", Journal of Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM), V. 3, 274-285, 2013

·   Meikang Qiu, Zhong Ming, Jiayin Li, Jianning Liu, Gang Quan, Yongxin Zhu, “Informer homed routing fault tolerance mechanism for wireless sensor networks”. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 59(4-5): 260-270, 2013

·   H, Huang, V. Chaturvedi, G. Quan, J. Fan and M. Qiu “Throughput Maximization for Periodic Real-Time Systems under the Maximal Temperature Constraint”, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),  13(2s): 70 (2014)

·   Linwei Niu, Gang Quan: Leakage-aware scheduling for embedded real-time systems with (m, k)-constraints. International Journal of Embedded Systems, 5(4): 189-207 (2013)

·   Guanglei Liu, Ming Fan, Gang Quan, and Meikang Qiu , “On-Line Predictive Thermal Management Under Peak Temperature Constraints for Practical Multi-Core Platforms”, Journal of Low Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 5, 565-578, 2012

·   V. Chaturvedi, H. Huang, S. Ren, G. Quan, “On the Fundamentals of Leakage Aware Real-Time DVS Scheduling for Peak Temperature Minimization”, Journal of Systems Architecture, v. 58, no.10, 387-397, 2012

·   H. Huang, V. Chaturvedi, and G. Quan, “Leakage Aware Scheduling On Maximum Temperature Minimization For Periodic Hard Real-Time Systems”, International Journal of Embedded Systems on Low Power Embedded Computing, v.8, no.4, 378-393, 2012

·   S. Liu, G. Quan, and S. Ren, “On-Line Real-Time Service-Oriented Task Scheduling using TUF”, ISRN Journal of Software Engineering, v. 2012, Article ID 681985, 12 pages, 2012

·   S. Li, S. Ren, Y. Yu, X. Wang, and G. Quan, “Profit and Penalty Aware Scheduling for Real-Time On-line Services”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, Vol 8, No. 1, 78-89, 2012

·   Jiayin Li, Meikang Qiu, Zhong Ming, Gang Quan, Xiao Qin, Zonghua Gu: Online optimization for scheduling preemptable tasks on IaaS cloud systems. Journal of Parallel Distributed Computing, Vol 72, No.5, 666-677, 2012

·   J. Li, Z. Ming, M. Qiu, G. Quan, X. Qin, T. Chen, “Resource allocation robustness in multi-core embedded systems with inaccurate information”, Journal of Systems Architecture, Vol 57, No, 9, 840-849, April 2011

·   G. Quan, V. Chaturvedi, “Feasibility Analysis for Temperature-Constraint Hard Real-time Periodic Tasks”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol 6, No. 3, 329-339, 2010

·   G. Quan, L. Niu, B. Mochocki and X. Hu, “Fixed-priority scheduling for reducing both the dynamic and leakage energy on variable voltage processors," International Journal of Embedded Systems on Low Power Embedded Computing (IJES), Volume 4, No 2, 127-140, 2009

·   B. Mochocki, X. Hu and G. Quan, “Transition overhead aware voltage scheduling for fixed-priority real-time systems,ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. Vol 12, No 2, April 2007

·   G. Quan and X. Sharon Hu, “Energy efficient scheduling for real-time systems on variable voltage processors,” ACM Transactions on Embedded System Design, Vol 6, No. 2, September 2007

·   L. Niu and G. Quan, “System wide dynamic power management for weakly hard real-time systems”, Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol 2, No 3, 342-355, December 2006.

·   L. Niu and G. Quan, “A Hybrid Static/Dynamic DVS Scheduling for Real-time Systems With (m,k)-Guarantee”, IEEE Trans on Very Larges Scale Integration Systems. Special issue on Hardware/Software Co-design, 14(7), 717-729, 2006

·   G. Quan and L. Niu and B. Mochocki and X. Hu, “Fixed-Priority Scheduling for Reducing Both the Dynamic and the Leakage Energy on Variable Voltage Processors,” accepted to International Journal of Embedded Systems, Special issue on Low Power Real-Time Embedded Computing

·   G. Quan and G. Greenwood and D. Liu and X. Hu, “Scheduling for multiobjective preventive maintenance schedules: combining preferences with evolutionary algorithms”, European Journal of Optional Research, Vol 177, 1969-1984, 2007

·   B. Mochocki and X.S. Hu and G. Quan, “A unified approach to variable voltage scheduling for nonideal DVS processors,” IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design for Integrated Circuits and Systems, 23(9), 1370- 1377, 2004.

·   G. Quan and X. S. Hu, “Minimum Energy Fixed Priority Scheduling for Variable Voltage Processors,” IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design for Integrated Circuits and Systems. 22(8), 1062-1071, Aug 2003.

Selected Conferences

·  Gustavo A. Chaparro-Baquero, Soamar Homsi, Omara Vichot, Shaolei Ren, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren, “Cache allocation for fixed-priority real-time scheduling on multi-core platforms”, International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), 2015 (acceptance rate < 30%).

·  Qiushi Han, Tianyi Wang and Gang Quan, “Enhanced Fault-Tolerant Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Hard Real-Time Tasks on Multi-Core Platforms”, International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 21-30, 2015 (acceptance rate ~ 30%)

·  Shuo Liu, Soamar Homsi, Ming Fan, Shaolei Ren, Gang Quan and Shangping Ren, “Power Minimization for Data Center with Guaranteed QoS”, IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2015 (regular presentation acceptance rate ~ 22.4%)

·  Qiushi Han, Ming Fan, Linwei Niu and Gang Quan, “Energy Minimization for Fault Tolerant Scheduling of Periodic Fixed-Priority Applications on Multiprocessor Platforms”, IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2015 (regular presentation acceptance rate ~ 22.4%)

·  Tianyi  Wang, Linwei Niu, Shaolei Ren and Gang Quan, “Multi-Core Fixed-Priority Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks with Statistical Deadline Guarantee”,  IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2015 (regular presentation acceptance rate ~ 22.4%)

·  Ming Fan, Qiushi Han, Shuo Liu, Gang Quan, “On-line reliability-aware dynamic power management for real-time systems”. IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 2015: 361-365

·  Miao Song, Shuhui Li, Shangping Ren, Gang Quan, "Delay-Impact-Based Local Deadline Assignment for Online Scheduling of Distributed Soft Real-Time Applications", the 33rd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC), 2014.

·  S. Liu, S. Homsi, M. Fan, S. Ren, G. Quan, and S.-P. Ren, “Scheduling Time-Sensitive Multi-Tier Services with Probabilistic Performance Guarantee,” IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2014

·  Mohammad Islam, Kishwar Ahmed, Shaolei Ren, Gang Quan, “Exploiting Temporal Diversity of Water Efficiency to Make Data Center Less ‘Thirsty’”, IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing, 2014 (to appear)

·  Ming Fan, Qiushi Han, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren: Multi-core partitioned scheduling for fixed-priority periodic real-time tasks with enhanced RBound. IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, pp. 284-291, 2014

·  Tianyi Wang, Ming Fan, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren: Heterogeneity exploration for peak temperature reduction on multi-core platforms. IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, pp. 107-114, 2014

·  Qiushi Han, Ming Fan and Gang Quan, " Energy minimization for fault tolerant real-time applications on multiprocessor platforms using checkpointing", IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2013 (Best paper nominee: 3/167)

·  Ming Fan, V. Chaturvedi and G. Quan, “An Analytical Solution For Multi-core Energy Calculation With Consideration Of Leakage And Temperature Consideration”, IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2013 (acceptance rate: 35%)

·  Mohammad A. Islam, Shaolei Ren, Gang Quan, “Online Energy Budgeting for Virtualized Data Centers”, IEEE 21ST International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), 2013 (acceptance rate =44/163= 27%)

·  Shuhui Li, Miao Song, Zheng Li, Shangping Ren, Gang Quan: Maximizing online service profit for time-dependent applications. International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, pp. 342-345, 2013 (acceptance rate: 30%)

·  Shuo Liu, Shaolei Ren, Ming Zhao, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren, “Profit Aware Load Balancing for Distributed Cloud Data Centers”, accepted to 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2013  (acceptance rate =106/494= 21%)

·  Tianyi Wang, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren, Meikang Qiu, “Topology Virtualization for Throughput Maximization on Many-Core Platforms”,  18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012  (acceptance rate =87/294= 29.6%)

·  Jiayin Li, Zhiyang Zhang, Meikang Qiu, Ping Zhang, Gang Quan, and Yongxin Zhu, “Optimizing Scheduling in Embedded CMP Systems with Phase Change Memory”,  18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012  (acceptance rate =87/294= 29.6%)

·  M. Fan, G. Quan, “Harmonic Semi-Partitioned Scheduling For Fixed-Priority Real-Time Tasks On Multi-Core Platform”, IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 503-508, 2012 (regular presentation acceptance rate ~ 16%)

·  G. Liu, G. Quan, “Neighbor-Aware Dynamic Thermal Management for Multi-core Platform”, IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 187-192, 2012 (short presentation acceptance rate ~ 25%)

·  H. Huang, M. Fan, G. Quan, “On-Line Leakage-Aware Energy Minimization Scheduling for Hard Real-Time Systems”, 17th IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 677-682, 2012 (acceptance rate 34%)

·  M. Fan and G. Quan, Harmonic-Fit Partitioned Scheduling For Fixed-Priority Real-Time Tasks On the Multiprocessor Platform, IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC-2011), 27-32, 2011 (acceptance rate: 22.96%)

·  G. Liu, G. Quan, M. Qiu, Throughput Maximization for Intel Desktop Platform under the Maximum Temperature Constraint., IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom),9-15, 2011 (acceptance rate: 32.5%)

·  Z. Li, L. Wang, S. Ren, G. Quan, Temperature, Power, and Makespan Aware Dependent Task Scheduling for Data Centers, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 22-27, 2011 (acceptance rate: 32.5%)

·  H. Huang, G. Quan, J. Fan, M. Qiu, “Throughput Maximization for Periodic Real-Time Systems under the Maximal Temperature Constraint “, IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), 363-368, 2011. (acceptance rate: 23%)

·  Shuo Liu, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren, “On-Line Real-Time Service Allocation and Scheduling for Distributed Data Center”, 8th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, 528-535, 2011.

·  Huang Huang and Gang Quan, “Leakage aware energy minimization for real-time systems under the maximum temperature constraint“, IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 479-484, 2011 (acceptance rate: 25%)

·  Shuo Liu, Gang Quan, Shangping Ren, “On-line Scheduling of Real-Time Services with Profit and Penalty”, ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1476-1481, 2011 (acceptance rate: 29%)

·  V. Chaturvedi, G. Quan, “Leakage Conscious DVS Scheduling for Peak Temperature Minimization”, IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), to appear, 2011. (acceptance ratio: 34.7%)

·  V. Chaturvedi, H. Huang, G. Quan, “Leakage Aware Scheduling On Maximum Temperature Minimization For Periodic Hard Real-Time Systems”, IEEE International Conferences on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 1802-1809, 2010 (acceptance ratio: 28%)

·   L, Niu, G. Quan, “Leakage-aware Scheduling for Real-Time Systems with (m,k)-Constraints”, IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and System (ICESS), 1810-1817, 2010 (acceptance ratio: 28%)

·   H. Huang, G. Quan, J. Fan, “Leakage Temperature Dependency Modeling in System Level Analysis”, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), 447-452, 2010 (acceptance ratio: 44%)

·   S. Liu, G. Quan, S. Ren, “On-line Scheduling of Real-time Services for Cloud Computing”, Services, Real-Time Service-Oriented Architecture and Applications (RTSOAA), 459-464, 2010

·  G. Quan and Y. Zhang, "Leakage Aware Feasibility Analysis for Temperature-Constrained Hard Real-Time Periodic Tasks", 21st Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS'09), 2009 (acceptance ratio: 25%)

·  L. Niu, G. Quan, “Energy-Aware Scheduling for Practical Mode Real-Time Systems with QoS Guarantee”, WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, vol. 3, 428-432, 2009

·  G. Quan and Y. Zhang and W. Wiles and P. Pei, “Guaranteed Scheduling for Repetitive Hard Real-Time Tasks Under The Maximal Temperature Constraint”, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (ISSS+CODES), 2008 (acceptance ratio: 31%)

·  Y. Zhang  and G. Quan, “Enhancing the adaptivity for multi-core embedded systems with dynamic performance scaling in FPGA”, International workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems, 2008 (acceptance ratio: 50%)

·  L. Niu and G. Quan, Peripheral-Conscious Scheduling on Energy Minimization for Weakly Hard Real-time Systems, IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2007. (acceptance ratio: 28%)

·  L.Niu and G. Quan, System Wide Dynamic Power Management for Multimedia Portable Devices, IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2006 (acceptance ratio: 35%)

·  L. Niu and G. Quan, A Hybrid Static/Dynamic DVS Scheduling for Real-time Systems With (m,k)-Guarantee, IEEE Real-Time System Symposium(RTSS), 2005 (acceptance ratio: 20%)

·  G. Quan and J. Davis and S. Devarkal and D. Buell, High-level synthesis for large bit-width multipliers on FPGAs: A case study, IEEE International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and Systems Synthesis (ISSS+CODES), 2005 (acceptance ratio: 25%)

·  B. Mochocki and X.S. Hu and G. Quan, Practical on-line DVS scheduling for fixed-priority real-time system, IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2005 (acceptance ratio: 33%)

·  L. Niu and G. Quan. Leakage reduction for real-time scheduling on variable voltage processors, IEEE International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), 2004 (acceptance ratio: 30%)

·  G. Quan and L. Niu and X. S. Hu and B. Mochocki. Fixed priority scheduling for reducing overall energy on variable voltage processors, IEEE Real-Time System Symposium (RTSS), 2004.  (acceptance ratio: 22%)

·  G. Quan and L.W. Niu and J. P. Davis, Power Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Systems with (m,k)-Guarantee, Commuication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation Conference (CNDS), 2004

·  Buell, D., J. Davis, G. Quan, S. Akella, S. Devarkal, P. Kancharla, E. Michalski, and H. Wake, "Experiences with a reconfigurable computer," International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA), 2004

·  B. Mochocki and X.S. Hu and G. Quan, A realistic variable voltage scheduling model for real-time applications, IEEE/ACM 2002 International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 2002

·  G. Quan and X.S. Hu, Minimum Energy Fixed Priority Scheduling for Variable Voltage Processors, IEEE/ACM Design Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 2002 Selected as one of The Most Influential Papers ( three out of total 476 submissions) for the year 2002 and collected in the book: The Most Influential Papers of 10 Years DATE, Lauwereins, R., Madsen, J. (Eds.), Springer, 2008. 

·  G. Quan and X. S. Hu, Energy efficient fixed-priority scheduling for real-time systems on variable voltage processors, IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), (Best Paper Award), pp 828-833, 2001.

·  G. Quan and X.S. Hu, "Enhanced fixed-priority scheduling with (m,k)-firm guarantee", IEEE Real-Time System Symposium (RTSS),  pp 79-88,  2000.

·  X. Hu and G. Quan, "Fast performance prediction for periodic task systems", International Workshop on Hardware/Software Codesign(CODES), pp 72-76, 2000.

·  G. Quan, X. ( Sharon ) Hu, and G.Greenwood, "Preference-driven hierarchical hardware/software partitioning", IEEE/ACM Proceedings of International Conference On Computer Design(ICCD), pp 652-657, 1999.

·  X. Hu, G.W. Greenwood, S. Ravichandran, and G. Quan,  "A framework for user assisted design space exploration", IEEE/ACM Proceedings of Design Automation Conference(DAC), pp 414-419, 1999.