Mechanical and Materials Engineering    |    College of Engineering and Computing    |   Florida International University









Bilal El-Zahab

Asst. Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

College of Engineering and Computing

Florida International University

Office:  EC 3446
Phone:  (305) 348-3558
Fax:  (305) 348-1932

Recent News:
Dr. El-Zahab gave an invited talk at the Pittcon 2013 Meeting in Philadelphia, PA

PhD student Kamran Moradi joined the group

MS student Han Chen joined the group

Dr. El-Zahab received the 2012 Kauffman Professors' Award

PhD student Meer Safa joined the group

PhD Student Amir Chamaani joined the group

Spring 2017 - EGN 3343 - Thermodynamics I (Mon 2:00PM - 2:50PM, Wed 2:00PM - 3:50PM, Fri 2:05PM - 2:55PM)

                      EML 4141 - Heat Transfer (Mon, Wed, Fri 1:00PM - 1:50PM)


Fall 2016 - EML 3450 - Energy Systems (Tue & Thu 12:30PM - 1:45PM) (webpage)
(Pre-requisite: EGN 3343)


Summer 2016 - EGN 3343 - Thermodynamics I


Spring 2014 - EGN 3343 - Thermodynamics I (Mon, Wed, Fri 6:25PM - 7:40PM)
(Pre-requisite: MAC 2312, PHY 2048, CHM 1045)

Fundamental concepts of basic thermodynamics including first and second law topics, equations of state and general thermodynamic relationships.

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Mohammad Asadikiya


Fall 2013 - EML 5104 - Classical Thermodynamics (Tue & Thu 9:30AM - 10:45AM)
(Pre-requisite: EML 3101)

Mathematical analysis of the laws of classical reversible and irreversible thermodynamics. Applications to mechanical, electro-magnetic, and chemical systems, under ideal and real conditions.

Teaching Assistant:


Fall 2013 - EML 3450 - Energy Systems (Tue & Thu 12:30PM - 1:45PM) (webpage)
(Pre-requisite: EGN 3343)

Review of theory and engineering aspects of conventional and renewable energy conversion and storage systems, fossil fuels, and nuclear power plants and renewable energy technologies.

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Siavash Rastkar


Spring 2013 - EGN 3343 - Thermodynamics I (Mon, Wed, Fri 6:25PM - 7:40PM)
(Pre-requisite: MAC 2312, PHY 2048, CHM 1045)

Fundamental concepts of basic thermodynamics including first and second law topics, equations of state and general thermodynamic relationships.

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Kamran Moradi


Fall 2012 - EML 3450 - Energy Systems (Tue & Thu 12:30PM - 1:45PM)
(Pre-requisite: EGN 3343)

Review of theory and engineering aspects of conventional and renewable energy conversion and storage systems, fossil fuels, and nuclear power plants and renewable energy technologies.

Teaching Assistant: N/A