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Research group of Dr. Arturo S. Leon

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Project: Development of a state-of-the-art computational framework and platform for the optimal control of multi-reservoir systems under uncertainty (October 2012-September 2015)
Project Link: Project web page
Advisor: Dr. Arturo S. Leon
Funding Agency: Bonneville Power Administration
Example of Parnian's Tasks in this project:
Development of a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for the project. The user has the option to choose the methods and other parametes of the simulation such as the method of optimization (from a set of options, e.g. evolutionary and hybrid). The user also can choose to simulate the model deterministically or under uncertainty. At the end plots will be provided to visualize the optimal solutions.

Project: Effects of small periodic waves on flow discharge in mild-sloped rivers (2014)
Advisor: Dr. Arturo S. Leon
Funding Agency: Bonneville Power Administration
Example of Parnian's Tasks in this project:
Create and simulate 1 dimensional and 2 dimensional hydraulic model of river (HECRAS and TELEMAC2D). Developed Matlab code to create boundary conditions and visualize the results.

Project: Road-mapping the Integration of Renewable Energy (e.g. hydropower and wave energy) (September 2014-September 2015)
Dr. Arturo S. Leon
Collaborators: Kelly Cowan, Chris Sharp
Funding Agency: Oregon Best
Bonneville Power Administration

Project: Multi-Objective Optimization of Reservoir Operation Considering Flexibility in Decision Variables (2014-2015)
Advisor: Dr. Arturo S. Leon
Collaborators: Dr. Nathan Gibson, Dr. Duan Chen
Funding Agency:Bonneville Power Administration








Links of interest:

Upcoming Conferences in Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management

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