Project: Applicability of Two-Dimensional Flow Modeling in the Construction of Hydraulic Performance Graphs for Unsteady Flow Routing in Complex Looped Networks (September 2011-June 2013)
Project Link: Project web page
Advisor: Dr. Arturo S. Leon
Funding Agency: Bonneville Power Administration (US Department of Energy)
Project: Quantification of Uncertainty in River Flow Dynamics Using Polynomial Chaos Stochastic Expansion Techniques (March 2012-June 2013)
Project Link: Project web page
Advisor: Dr. Arturo S. Leon
Collaborators: Dr. Nathan Gibson (Mathematics)
Funding Agency: Bonneville Power Administration (US Department of Energy)
Project: One-dimensional Tide Gate Hydraulics Model (May 2012-August 2012)
Description: The goal of this project is to develop a one-dimensional model accounting for hydraulic and hydrologic effects at tide-gate installation and retro-fit sites. The specific objectives of the project are:
(1) To develop a simulation model with an intuitive interface assisting engineers to perform sensitivity analyses on tide-gate site components.
(2) Utilize this simulation to assist in developing a set of guidelines and standards for Tide-Gate retro-fits
Project Link: Project web page (in-progress)
Supervisor: Aaron Beavers, MSCE E.I.T.
Funding Agency: National Marine Fisheries Service - N.O.A.A.