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NASA Langley Research Center Office of Education

Langley Office of Education
Mail Code 400
Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001


The NASA Langley Research Center Office of Education was created to effectively promote and facilitate services, resources, and programs between the Center and the larger education community. The Office of Education provides a continuous education program from kindergarten through postdoctoral level for students, teachers, and university faculty.


The Office of Education fully embraces NASA Headquarters' vision to promote excellence in America's education system through enhancing and expanding scientific and technology competence.

Key ALL STAR Network Personnel

Dr. Samuel Massenberg, Director of the NASA Langley Research Center Office of Education , has outstanding credentials both as a former Air Force pilot and senior NASA manager responsible for numerous student educational and technical programs at LaRC as well as prior management experience at NASA Headquarters . Dr. Massenberg will coordinate the participation of other NASA LaRC scientists and engineers, who will provide valuable input in the information content used in the design and development of the ALL STAR information modules.

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Updated: February 17, 1999