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History Knowledge Review - Answers

Level 1

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1. According to Greek Mythology, the first person(s) to fly was: Icarus and Daedalus.

2. The Montgolfier Brothers made possible the first manned balloon flight.

3. The art of human gliding was pioneered by: Otto Lilienthal.

4. The name of the first powered, human-controlled airplane was: The Flyer.

5. The first airliner service was provided by: Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin.

6. The Bleriot XI was the first airplane to fly the English Channel.

7. The Atlantic Ocean was first crossed singlehanded in an airplane by: Charles Lindbergh.

8. Amelia Earhart was the greatest American woman pilot in the 1930's.

9. The United State's latest fighter is the: Raptor.


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