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Time, Continuity, and Change [History] Examples of Time, Continuity and Change

Florida's Sunshine State Standards (Social Studies 9-12) encountered on ALLSTAR Level-2 History of Flight

EXPLANATION: The objective or standard listed below is linked to the section of ALLSTAR that pertains to that particular Sunshine State Standard. The standards or sub-standards that do not apply were marked with "N/A" or left out intentionally, yet the original numbering schema for standards and sub-components were maintained. For example, to find the Florida Sunshine Standards that apply to Social Studies for grades 4-8, look at the teacher resource page. There will be a link to navigate to the page on Objectives Covered in Social Studies 4-8.

Standard 1: The student understands historical chronology and the historical perspective

  1. N/A
  2. identifies and understands themes in history that cross scientific, economic, and cultural boundaries.
  3. evaluates conflicting sources and materials in the interpretation of a historical event or episode.
  4. N/A

Standard 2: N/A

Standard 3: The student understands Western and Eastern civilization since the Renaissance.

  1. N/A
  2. N/A
  3. understands the significant economic, political, and cultural interactions among the peoples of Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas during the Age of Discovery and the European expansion.
  4. N/A
  5. understands the significant scientific and social changes from the Age of Reason through the Age of Enlightenment.
  6. N/A
  7. N/A
  8. understands the effects of the Industrial Revolution.
  9. analyzes major historical events of the first half of the 20th century.
  10. N/A

Standard 4: N/A

Standard 5: The student understands U.S. history from 1880 to the present

  1. N/A
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. N/A
  5. N/A
  6. N/A
  7. understands the development of federal civil rights and voting rights since the 1950s and the social and political implications of these events.
  8. knows significant political events and issues that have shaped domestic policy decisions in contemporary America.
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People, Places, and Environments [Geography] Examples of People, Places, and Environments

Florida's Sunshine State Standards (Social Studies 9-12) encountered on ALLSTAR Level-2 History of Flight

EXPLANATION: The objective or standard listed below is linked to the section of ALLSTAR that pertains to that particular Sunshine State Standard. The standards or sub-standards that do not apply were marked with "N/A" or left out intentionally, yet the original numbering schema for standards and sub-components were maintained. For example, to find the Florida Sunshine Standards that apply to Social Studies for grades 4-8, look at the teacher resource page. There will be a link to navigate to the page on Objectives Covered in Social Studies 4-8.

Standard 1: The student understands the world in spatial terms.

  1. uses a variety of maps, geographic technologies including geographic information systems (GIS) and satellite-produced imagery, and other advanced graphic representations to depict geographic problems.
  2. understands the advantages and disadvantages of using maps from different sources and different points of view.
  3. N/A
  4. understands how cultural and technological characteristics can link or divide regions.
  5. N/A


Standard 2: The student understands the interactions of people and the physical environment.

Example of People and Their Physical Environment
  1. N/A
  2. N/A
  3. N/A
  4. understands the global impacts of human changes in the physical environment.
  5. N/A
  6. understands the relationships between resources and the exploration, colonization, and settlement of different regions of the world.
  7. N/A


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Government and the Citizen [Civics and Government] Examples of Government and the Citizen

Florida's Sunshine State Standards (Social Studies 9-12) encountered on ALLSTAR Level-2 History of Flight

EXPLANATION: The objective or standard listed below is linked to the section of ALLSTAR that pertains to that particular Sunshine State Standard. The standards or sub-standards that do not apply were marked with "N/A" or left out intentionally, yet the original numbering schema for standards and sub-components were maintained. For example, to find the Florida Sunshine Standards that apply to Social Studies for grades 4-8, look at the teacher resource page. There will be a link to navigate to the page on Objectives Covered in Social Studies 4-8.

Standard 1: N/A

Standard 2: The student understands the role of the citizen in American democracy.

  1. N/A
  2. assesses the role that his or her own political behavior plays in determining the flow of power through our political system and for resolving conflicts in a pluralistic society.
  3. understands issues of personal concern: the rights and responsibilities of the individual under the U.S. Constitution; the importance of civil liberties; the role of conflict resolution and compromise; and issues involving ethical behavior in politics.
  4. N/A
  5. N/A
  6. N/A
  7. knows the points at which citizens can monitor or influence the process of public policy formation.
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Updated: February 23, 1999