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Section 2.5 - TEMPERATURE

   We have mentioned Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures. The different figures result merely from using different scales or units of measurement. The military services and scientists usually use the Celsius scale, while civilian aviation primarily uses the Fahrenheit scale. The Celsius scale runs from 0° for freezing to 100° for boiling water; these same events occur at 32° and 212° on the Fahrenheit scale. The average standard day temperature at sea level for most of the United States is 15° C and 59° F.

To convert from one to the other, you can use the appropriate formula:

°C = (°F-32°) x 5/9
°F = (9/5 x °C) + 32°

For example: 15°C = (59°F - 32°) x 5/9


                     59°F=(9/5 x 15°C)+32°



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Updated: 23 February, 1999