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Florida International University

Florida International University
College of Engineering and Design
University Park Campus
Southwest 8th Street and 107th Avenue
Miami, Florida 33199

Florida International University (FIU) is a large, 4-year Minority Institution (MI) located in Miami, Florida. The College of Engineering is historically the largest minority engineering school in Florida. FIU graduates the largest Hispanic engineering class in America. The College is fully accredited by ABET and has a full range of graduate programs, including the Ph.D.

Florida International University, a member of the State University System of Florida, is an urban, research-oriented, multi-campus institution that offers more than 200 baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral degree programs, conducts basic and applied research, and provides public service. Founded in 1965, FIU opened for classes in 1972 with 5,667 students - the largest opening day enrollment in U.S. collegiate history. Today it has more than 30,000 students, 950 full-time faculty, and 60,000 alumni, making it the largest university in South Florida and placing it among the nation's 50 largest colleges and universities.

Key ALL STAR Network Personnel

Dr. Cesar Levy received his Ph.D. in 1983 from Stanford University in the area of dynamic fracture mechanics. He was hired at FIU in 1985, was tenured in 1990 and promoted to Full Professor in 1996. Since his arrival at FIU, he has been working in the applied mechanics field, mainly in the areas of fracture mechanics of pressure vessels, the use of viscoelastics in vibrations reduction problem, the biomechanics of exercise and re-evaluation of engineering education. Dr. Levy teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses. 

Dr. M.A. Ebadian is presently Director of the Hemispheric Center for Environmental Technology, a U.S. Department of Energy supported independent center at FIU.  He was Chairperson of the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering and Design at FIU from 1990-1995. Dr. Ebadian has over 16 years experiences in teaching engineering and in engineering administration sponsored research. Dr. Ebadian is in the top 1% of the University faculty in terms of sponsored research funding obtained annually. He is active in both publishing scholarly works as well as acting as a reviewer for several national engineering journals and federal agencies.

Send all comments to aeromaster@eng.fiu.edu
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Updated: February 17, 1999