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ALLSTAR Consortium Members

Dade County Public Schools

Dade County Public Schools

The Dade County Public Schools (DCPS) system is one of the largest minority public school systems in the county. The system has established many magnet schools covering the arts, humanities, sciences and engineering. FIU and the DCPS have collaborated on several educational programs including the Florida Action for Minorities in Engineering (FLAME) as well as the Environmental Protection Agency's and Department of Energy's Pre-Freshman Engineering Program.

Outreach of the ALL STAR Network to DCPS

Students in the targeted middle and high schools of the DCPS system will become part of the already existing, and successful outreach program, FLAME, that is resident at the engineering magnet Coral Park Senior High School and the aeronautics magnet Ruben Dario Middle School through network linkages. This network connectivity will allow students to contact engineers directly at NASA-LaRC as well as FIU for answers to questions and other pertinent information.

Key ALL STAR Network Personnel

Dr. Gustavo Roig

Send all comments to aeromaster@eng.fiu.edu
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Updated: February 17, 1999