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A. Scott Crossfield


Premier Test Pilot

Born Berkeley, California

October 2, 1921—

Entering the U.S. Navy 1942, A. Scott Crossfield first served as a fighter pilot. After the war, he returned to the University of Washington to receive a Degree in Aeronautical Science. In June 1950, after accumulating some 2500 hours of flight time, he joined the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics (later NASA) as an engineering research pilot.

In the succeeding five years he played a major role in the testing of many experimental aircraft and became the first pilot to fly twice the speed of sound (1327 MPH) in the Douglas D-588 rocket powered aircraft. Crossfield capped his distinguished test pilot career as the NASA program manager and first project pilot on the X-15 rocket powered research aircraft, taking the aircraft to the fringes of outer space.

After service with NASA, he joined the aerospace industry becoming directly involved in manned space flight projects.

Invested 1965 in the International Aerospace Hall of Fame

From "These We Honor," The International Hall of Fame; The San Diego Aerospace Museum, San Diego, CA. 1984

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Funded in part by NASA/LTP From
San Diego
Aerospace Museum

Educational Materials
San Diego Aerospace Museum

Updated: February 23, 1999