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ALLSTAR Network Participant Schools

Goals and Plans


An active role in the development of curricula (both curricular and extra-curricular) Each student will have an understanding of his/ her rights and responsibilities and taking and policies that challenge student potentials, thereby generating pride in academic achievement, self discipline and self confidence.


Parents and students will know the importance of attendance and how it affects the achievement.


Curricular programs will be periodically evaluated to incorporate new trends , methodologies and technologies.


Both physical and mental facets of the curriculum will enable students to develop their fullest potential as individuals.


Performing and Fine Arts Programs will assist the students to develop an appreciation and understanding of the aesthetic qualities of human achievement.


Curricula will engage in critical thinking to harness each students decision- making and problem - solving skills that combine to produced informed judgments.


The administration, faculty, parents and students will promote open communication in order to facilitate cooperative interdependence in the development and implementation of school policy and programs.


Students will encourage to donate their services to the needs of the community so that this responsibility will extend throughout their adult life.


Each student will realize his/her role in a democratic society and its working process and the importance of passing this knowledge of future generations.


Alternative and special programs will be provided to enable students to function in today’s versatile society.


Each student learns both theoretical and practical skills that will enable the student to function in a changing world.


Through the infusion of career education in all subjects, each will prepare for the world of work and education beyond high school.


Each student finds appropriate career choices through the development of a decision-making model as well as through individual and group counseling, testing, and presentations.


Students shall develop an appreciation of similarities and differences among all ethnic groups through school curricular and extracurricular programs.


Economic, social, political and philosophical ideas will be developed in students to enable them to action effectively in a global society.

This page was developed by Luan Hong and Didier Castera with great support from the Media Center of Miami Coral Park Senior.

Send all comments to aeromaster@eng.fiu.edu
© 1995-98 ALLSTAR Network. All rights reserved worldwide.

Funded in part by Under
National Science
Education Standards

Updated: 17 February, 1999