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ARMY-NASA Partnership at Lewis Research Center


lowis8.gif (56926 bytes)The Army and NASA Lewis have coordinated synergistic efforts in the area of gas turbine engine control. Close interaction between Army and NASA personnel allow the sharing of technology for the benefit of each party, and in-house facilities are used jointly to further the complementary missions of both organizations.

New control technologies and algorithms such as those for integrated propulsion/airframe control, actuator saturation and integrated windup protection, intelligent control of turbine engine aerodynamic instabilities, and intelligent hierarchical control have been developed by NASA and the Army for use by both. These new technologies are developed, tested, and evaluated in NASA's Simulation Laboratory which includes a large array of computational resources and tools, real-time networked simulation capability, and a Piloted Evaluation Station for interactive validation in a realistic environment.

Joint funding of university grants in areas of mutual interest have helped solidify the relationship between the two groups. Additionally, by applying existing technologies in new areas such as the use of H¥ techniques and model-based fault detection on turboshaft engines, taking advantage of each other's expertise, Army and NASA personnel demonstrate that they comprise a highly skilled, multidisciplinary team.

POC: Jonathan S. Litt
lowis8a.gif (111597 bytes)
Piloted Evaluation Station


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Updated: February 17, 1999