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National Coalition for Aviation
Member Organizations
Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF)
Kelli Creamer
1501 Lee Hwy.
Arlington, VA 22209-1198
1-800-727-337 ext. 4880 / Fax: 703-247-5853
E-mail aefstaff@aef.org
AEF provides educational programs for more than 150,000 students; awards 500 college
scholarships; provides grants to 300 educators; and operates a nationwide teacher
recognition program.
Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)
Alexis Allen
1250 Eye Street, NW, suite 1200
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 371-8544 / Fax: (202) 3718470
E-mail alexis@aia-aerospace.org
Web http://www.access.digesx.net/~aia/
AIA is the trade association representing the nation's manufacturers of commercial,
military and business aircraft, helicopters, aircraft engines, missiles, spacecraft, and
related components and equipment. Founded in 1919 as the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce
of America, AIA includes among its early members Orville Wright, Glenn H. Curtiss, and
nearly every important aircraft manufacturer at that time.
Aero Club Foundation of Washington
E.Tazewell Ellet
P.O. Box 17295
Washington Dulles International Airport
Washington, DC 20041
(703) 327-7082 / Fax: (800) 322-3761
The Aero Club Foundation of Washington was created by the Aero Club of Washington in 1995
to advance the future of aviation and space through higher standards of learning and
Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)
Don Skiados
Air Line Pilots Association
535 Herndon Pkwy.
Herndon, VA 20170
(703) 481-4444 / Fax: (703) 689-4370
ALPA represents 45,000 airline pilots at 36 U.S. worldwide, national, and
regional/commuter airlines. ALPA promotes aviation safety, better working conditions,
wages, safety, technology, and legislation through collective bargaining for its members.
Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA)
Jim Crook
Air Traffic Control Association
2300 Clarendon Blvd.
Arlington VA 22201
(703) 522-5717 / Fax: (703) 527-7251
The Air Traffic Control Association is a professional association dedicated to
advancements in the science and profession of air traffic control and aviation safety.
ATCAs membership includes representatives of all facets of the air traffic control
discipline such as air traffic control specialists, airway facilities technicians,
managers, educators, scientists, engineers, individual pilots, airlines, government
agencies, professional organizations, and companies which develop and produce air traffic
control technology, equipment and services.
Air Transport Association (ATA)
Diana Cronan
Air Transportation Association
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 626-4172 / Fax (202) -626-4181
ATA represents the interest of its 24 member airlines in technical, legal and political
arenas. Its activities are designed to advocate and support measures which will further
aviation safety, assure industry efficiency and growth and promote financial health.
Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA)
Monte R. Mitchell, Executive Director
AEA Educational Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 1963
Independence, MO 64055
(816) 373-6565 / Fax: (816) 478-3100
Web http://AEAavnews.org
With more than 1,000 company members throughout the world, the Aircraft Electronics
Association represents the general aviation segment of the aviation industry. The
membership comprises of certified repair stations with avionics and/or instrument ratings,
as well as most manufacturers of civil aviation avionics equipment and airframes.
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
Janette Prince
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
421 Aviation Way
Frederick, MD 21701
(301) 695-2160 / Fax: (301) 695-2375
E-mail janette.prince@aopa.org
Web http://www.aopa.org
AOPA represents 340,000 general aviation aircraft owners and pilots who use their aircraft
for non-commercial personal and business transportation, and provides free aviation
education materials. AOPA members comprise 60 percent of the active pilots in the nation.
Airports Council International North America
Victoria Pannell
Airports Council International North America
1775 K Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 293-8500 / Fax: (202) 331-1362
The Airports Council International North America (ACI-NA) is the Voice of
Airports representing local, regional and state governing bodies that own and
operate commercial airports in the United States, Canada and Bermuda; ACI-NA member
airports enplane more than 90 percent of the domestic and virtually all the international
airline passenger and cargo traffic in North America. ACI-NA also encompasses Associates
representing a wide variety of businesses that provide products and services to the air
transportation industry.
American Helicopter Society (AHS)
Norm Mowbray
American Helicopter Society
217 N. Washington Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-2538
(703) 684-6777 / Fax: (703) 739-9279
AHS is the professional society for the advancement of vertical flight technology and its
useful application throughout the world.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Patricia Carr
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500
Reston, VA 20191-4344
(703) 264-7536 / Fax: (703) 264-7551
E-mail triciac@aiaa.org
Web http://www.aiaa.org
For over 65 years, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics has been the
principal society of aerospace engineers, scientists, and other professionals. AIAA is the
nations largest professional organization devoted to the progress of aviation,
space, and defence.
AIAA addresses the needs of scientists, engineers, and allied professionals who conceive,
design, develop, test, construct, and operate air and space vehicles, their associated
systems and subsystems, as well as educators who train the professionals, researchers who
continually renew the technology, managers who lead their efforts, and innovators who
bring forth new concepts.
Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association (ADMA)
Patricia Lilly
Aviation Distributors and Manufacturers Association
1900 Arch Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1498
(215) 564-3484 / Fax: (215) 564-2175
E-mail assnhqt@netaxs.com
ADMA represents approximately 100 distributors and manufacturers of aviation parts,
components and suppliers.
Civil Air Patrol (CAP)
John Vickery
Aerospace Education Division
105 South Hansell Street
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-6332
(334) 953-5095 / Fax: (334) 953-771
Web http://www.cap.af.mil
Aerospace Education: (334) 953-4260, e-mail jemerson@cap.af.mil
Membership: (334) 953-4200; e-mail jsistrunk@cap.af.mil
The Civil Air Patrol is an aviation-oriented, non-profit, volunteer organization. Its
missions include Emergency Services for search and rescue and disaster relief; cadet
programs to provide leadership training and life skills development; and Aerospace
Education to its members and to communities, citizens, and educators across America.
EAA Aviation Foundation, Inc. (EAA)
Chuck Larsen
EAA Education Office
P.O. Box 3065
Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065
(414) 426-6815 / Fax: (414) 426-6765
Web http://www.eaa.org
The EAA Aviation Foundation is dedicated to the discovery and fulfillment of individual
potential throughout opportunities and challenges inspires by the dream of personal
flight. Its mission focuses upon education, on mans quest for flight, and on
research and innovation accomplished by individuals in aviation.
General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA)
Bridgette Mikula
General Aviation Manufacturers Association
1400 K Street, NW, Suite 801
Washington, DC 20005-2485
(202) 637-1378 / Fax: (202)842-4063
E-mail bmikula@generalaviation.org
Web http://www.generalaviation.org
GAMA represents 53 U.S. manufacturers of general aviation aircraft, engines, avionics and
related equipment. GAMA promotes better understanding of the air transportation
environment and the important roles general aviation plays in the national economy and
serving Americas transportation needs.
4-H Aerospace Education Programs
Dr. Tony Cook
National Project Coordinator
4-H Aerospace Education Programs
214 Duncan Hall ACES
Auburn University, AL 36849-5620
(334) 844-2233 / Fax: (334) 844-9650
E-mail jacook@acenet.auburn.edu
4-H Aerospace Education Programs promote aerospace education through programs and
resources for young people. 4-H is dedicated to improving and expanding the impact of the
programs and developing new opportunities for youth and society.
Helicopter Association International (HAI)
Norm Mowbray
Helicopter Association International
1619 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-4646
(703) 683-4646 / Fax: (703) 683-4745
HAI is a non-profit professional trade association with over 1,100 member organizations in
51 nations. HAI is dedicated to promoting the helicopter as a safe and efficient method of
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace
Workers (IAM)
James G. Conley
International Association of Machinists
9000 Machinists Place
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-2687
(301) 967-4558 / Fax: (301) 967-4591
IAM is the largest labor organization representing air transportation in the United States
including professional aircraft maintenance and manufacturing personnel.
Send all comments to aeromaster@eng.fiu.edu
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Updated: February 23, 1999