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Review Exercise - 6.6 (Answers)

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Part I

1. The Army received the largest military appropriation for research and development.

The correct answer: False

2. The aerospace industry produces airplanes, helicopters, and spacecraft.

The correct answer: True

3. The aerospace industry is only concerned about exploring outer space.

The correct answer: False

4. The Department of Defense received the largest research budget.

The correct answer: True

5. Aerospace subcontractors build the main parts of an aircraft.

The correct answer: False

6. Most aerospace employees work in the New England region.

The correct answer: False


Part II

1. Performs aircraft experiments.

The correct answer is: Scientist

2. Develops and tests airplanes.

The correct answer is: Engineer

3. Prepares airplane drawings.

The correct answer is: Technician

4. Assembles airplane parts.

The correct answer is: Production worker

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