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Section 1.4 - Hydraulic Pressure Regulated Power System

hrule_bl.gif (260 bytes)


The system in drawing below represents a pressure regulated power system comprised of two parts:
1) the power system, and
2) the actuating system part of the overall hydraulic system.

hydro031.gif (16811 bytes)

This type of system was used in all aircraft between 1937 and 1945. The system had a pressure regulator which "knew" when to withdraw horsepower from the engine when it was needed.  The concurrent blue-red system drawn in that manner because when the bypass part of the system was used, the blue-red part of the system acted as the return line to the reservoir and, thus, was "blue".  However, the power system was used to produce hydraulic power, the blue-red part of the system was filled with high pressure oil and, therefore, was "red".

 Functions of Parts of the Power System

  1. Reservoir -- holds an extra supply of fluid for system from which oil was drawn when needed, or oil was returned to it when not needed.
  2. Accumulator -- absorbs pulsation within the hydraulic system and helps reduce "linehammer effects" (pulses that feel and sound like a hammer has hit the hydraulic tubes).  It is an emergency source of power and it acts as another reservoir.
  3. Filter -- removes impurities in the hydraulic system and in the reservoir.  The reservoir has one big filter inside the tank.
  4. Power Pump -- it changes mechanical horsepower (HP) to hydraulic HP.
  5. System Relief Valve -- relieves pressure on system as a safety.measure and takes over as a pressure regulator when pressure regulator fails.
  6. Pressure Regulator -- as the name implies, regulates the pressure in the hydraulic system.  When it senses a built-up in pressure in the lines to the selector valves, it acts so that the system automatically goes to bypass.

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Updated: February 23, 1999