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Section 3.4 - Review Exercise (Answers)

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1. The part of an airplane that produces lift is called an airfoil.

2. The baseline for designing an airfoil in cross section is determined from the chord.

3. The amount of lift that a wing can produce is determined by the camber.

4. Bernoulli's principle states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases.

5. Lift is produced by the decrease in pressure on top of an airfoil as the air passing over the top of the airfoil is     speeded     up.

6. Name the parts of the airfoil shown by the arrows.


A.  Leading edge
B.  Upper camber
C.  Mean camber
D.  Trailing edge
E.  Lower camber
F.  Chord line


7. The relative wind is airflow produced by the aircraft moving through the air.

8. The relative wind flows in a direction parallel with and opposite to the direction of flight.

9. The angle between the chord of the wing and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft is called the angle of incidence.

10. The angle of attack is the angle between the chord of the wing and the relative wind.




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