


Professor: Jose A. Faria, Ph.D., PMP

Office: EC-2951

Office Hours: Mon and Wed 5:00 - 6:00 pm or by Appointment @ Pines Center

Office Phone: (305) 348-3541

Online Office Hours: by appointment

Other Phone:

E-Mail: Course Mail on WebCT

Fax: (305) 348-6255

E-Mail is my preferred mode of communication. For all matters pertaining to this course, ALWAYS use Course Mail on the Course Website. This is the only way you can be assured of my quick attention to your concerns.



Course Title: Construction Cost Estimating II Section: Summer B 2010
Campus: Broward Pines Center Room: 108
Day(s): Mondays and Wednesdays Time: 7:00 - 9:40 PM



Quantity take-offs and pricing, marketing policies and the application of microcomputers in construction estimating.


The course stresses quantity take-off and pricing policies, and applications of estimating techniques. It also includes demonstrations and the use of estimating software as well as the development of a database for use in estimating.


BCN 3240 Construction Equipment BCN 3611 Construction Cost Estimating I BCN 3727 Construction Site work







Dagostino, Frank R. and Feigenbaum, Leslie. Estimating in Building Construction

6th Edition

Prentice Hall 2003

ISBN-10: 0-13-060405-4

ISBN-13: 9780130604057

Cover Image

Fatzinger, James A.S. Basic Estimating for Construction

2nd Edition
Prentice Hall 2004
ISBN-10: 0-13-111913-3

ISBN-13: 9780131134065

Frank Walker Company. Walker's Building Estimator's Reference Book

28th Edition
Frank R. Walker Company 2006
ISBN-10: 0-911592-28-8


Gould, Frederick E. Managing the Construction Process

3rd Edition
Prentice Hall 2004
ISBN-10: 0-13-113406-X

ISBN-13: 9780131134065


Peterson, Steven J. Construction Estimating with Excel
Prentice Hall 2004

ISBN-13: 9780131719835


RS Means. Building Construction Cost Data
RS Means 2008

ISBN-13: 9780876290200


Handouts can be downloaded from this site. See the Course Content link on the left.


The Department's mission is to provide enlightened leadership to the construction industry through its graduates; to increase and to improve the body of working knowledge; and to promote the interdisciplinary transfer of technology. The Department also strives to produce professional construction managers who are informed and participating citizens with a sense of civic duty and responsibility; persons with a sense of dignity whose actions express high moral and ethical standards; and professionals who strive to comprehend the impact of their work on their own lives as well as on the society in which they live.




  • Types of estimates and uses

  • Quantity takeoff

  • Labor and equipment productivity

  • Pricing and price data bases

  • Job direct and indirect costs

  • Bid preparations and bid submission

  • Computer application



Attendance will be taken every class and counts towards the final grade.


Evaluation Criteria

• Attendance and class participation: 15%

Homework and quizzes 15% - Homework will be assigned according to the calendar and it is due as scheduled in WEBCT. Homework submissions is via WEBCT, hand submissions will NOT be accepted. Because some students may have problems submitting their work via WEBCT, it is recommended that students submit their work at least 12 hrs prior to the time when the homework is due. No late homework will be accepted. Quizzes will be given at random during the semester, there will be NO makeup quizzes or makeup exams. Students who fail to take the quizzes or the exams will receive zero points unless a verifiable medical note is produced. You should show all your calculations and state your assumptions in order to receive full credit.

• Midterm 20% - In Class examination Closed Book, Closed Notes.

• Final 20% - In Class examination. Closed Book, Closed Notes.

• Project 30% - Written report, excel calculations and presentation with intermediate deliverables.

    • Project Kickoff Presentation: 5%
    • Project Updates: 10%
    • Project Final Presentation: 15%
    • Project Final Report and Estimate: 70%
  • The written report is a word document describing the scope of work and including an explanation of the procedure followed to produce all calculations made. The sources of information should be cited and any quotation received should be documented even if it was received by phone.
  • Excel calculations is an excel document with all calculations made for the project organized in a logical and understandable fashion
  • The presentation is shorter version of the report with a highlight of the conclusions. The students are required to present in class whenever asked. Specially at the end of the course.
  • All deliverables are ongoing during the semester.
  • At various times of the semester the students should submit three (3) files: One project report, one excel file and one PowerPoint presentation.
  • All deliverables MUST have the name of the students.
  • Group of maximum three students can be formed, one submission per group is enough for every delivery.
  • Students are NOT ALLOWED TO CONTACT any of the entities, persons, or businesses listed in the documents to request information about this project. Doing so would be considered as academic misbehavior and will be subject to the same disciplinary actions stated under Academic Misconduct presented below.
  • Students are required to request at least one quotation from a supplier or subcontractor. As a courtesy the student should clearly explain that is for academic purposes only. The quotation(s) should be included in one of the appendices of the report.

Bring a calculator to the exams! Bring a backup calculator if you have one. No laptop computers or wireless devices are allowed during the exams. Use of cell phones will not be allowed during the exams. No communications are allowed between students during the exams. No exchanging of tools, papers, books pencils, pens or any other material is allowed during the exams.  Incomplete answers because student forgot his/her calculator will be penalized by 15%.

The exam dates, homework assignments, presentations and reports are due on the date specified in the course calendar, these dates are fixed and non-negotiable. There will be no makeup exams without a verifiable medical excuse, please check your calendar and report to the instructor any conflicts as soon as you become aware of them. Exceptional circumstances including severe weather alert when recognized by the University, will be considered on a case by case basis. Business or leisure travel does not constitute exceptional circumstances. In the event of travel the student should take any necessary measures to submit deliverables electronically. Students with special needs should contact the instructor to discuss specific cases. Assignments are to be submitted ONLY through the assignments link of the course web site. Assignments handed in class or submitted by email will NOT be accepted.



    B+ 87 - 89 C+ 77 - 79 D+ 67 - 69    
A 93 - 100 B 83 - 86 C 73 - 76 D 63 - 66 F <=59
A- 90 - 92 B- 80 - 82 C- 70 - 72 D- 60 - 62    



Acts of academic misconduct, e.g., cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, etc., will not be tolerated. A student found to be engaging in such behavior will be charged with academic misconduct according to the University’s Student Academic Misconduct procedures, see FIU Student Handbook. Consequences can range from receipt of a failing grade in the class to expulsion from the University.

Casual discussion of course project and homework assignments is allowed and encouraged. However, each student should prepare the deliverables independently. Florida International University has a Code of Academic Integrity, this Code sets standards for academic integrity for all undergraduate and graduate students. As a student you are responsible for upholding these standards for this course. It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating, fabrication, facilitation, and plagiarism. For more information on the Code of Academic Integrity please visit http://www.fiu.edu/provost/polman/sec2/sec2web2-44.htm



Students with disabilities who may need special accommodations should register with the Office of Disabilities Services, telephone (305) 348-3852. In addition they are encouraged to contact the instructor so that arrangements can be made to accommodate their needs.

The Department of Construction Management adheres to the University’s policy concerning religious holidays. Any student will be excused from attendance in order to observe a religious holiday for their faith. If an examination or presentation is scheduled on that date, an alternate date will be provided. Students are expected to inform the faculty, ahead of time, of such holidays.



The instructor reserves the right to make revisions to any item on this syllabus, including, but not limited to, the course outline, examination schedule, grading policy, required projects or research papers, etc.







Jun-21 to Jun-27

Wednesday Jun 23

Presentations, ethics and grading Introduction

Software setup

 Lab work #1

Homework #1 Given


Lecture by Dr. Faria



Jun-28 to Jul-04

Monday Jun 28

WBS and Estimating Methods

Lab work #2

Lecture by Dr. Faria



Wednesday Jun 30

WBS and Estimating Methods

DIV 01 General Requirements

DIV 02 Site Construction

DIV 03 Concrete

Lab work #3

Homework #1 Due

Homework #2 Given


Lecture by Dr. Faria



Jul-05 to


Monday Jul 05

Holiday FIU Closed

Holiday FIU Closed  

Wednesday Jul 07

DIV 04 Masonry

DIV 05 Metals

DIV 06 Wood and Plastic

Lab work #4

Homework #2 Due

Homework #3 Given


Lecture by TA



Jul-12 to


Monday Jul 12

DIV. 07 Thermal and Moisture Protection

DIV. 08 Windows and Doors

Div. 09 Finishes

Lab work #5

Lecture by TA


Wednesday Jul 14

Midterm Exam


Homework #3 Due

Proctored by TA



Jul-19 to


Monday Jul 19

Div 10 Specialties

Div 11 Equipment

Div 12 Furnishings

Div 13 Special Construction

Div 14 Conveying Systems

Lab work #6

Homework #4 Given

Lecture by Dr. Faria

Lecture by Dr. Faria


Wednesday Jul 21

DIV. 15 Mechanical Plumbing, HVAC, Sprinkler Systems

DIV. 16 Electrical


Lab work #7

Homework #4 Due

Lecture by Dr. Faria


Jul-26 to Aug-01

Monday Jul 26


Project Presentations

Lecture by Dr. Faria


Wednesday Jul 28


 Project Presentations

Project due Date

Project report due, project estimate due, project presentation due

Lecture by Dr. Faria


Aug-02 to Aug-08

Monday Aug 02



Review for Final Exam

Lecture by TA


Wednesday Aug 04

Final Exam

Proctored by TA



Aug-09 to Aug-15

Friday Aug 13


 Deadline to post grades



Course calendar updated: June 18, 2010