Text Box: Group News

Aug, 2010: TERRA Summer Research Internship Program has a huge success. Ms. Alexandra Ponce is the second place winner for her work titled “Battery Cell Holder” done in conjunction with Roger Salgado in Dr. Chunlei Wang’s lab with Kevin Bechtold. 
went to Alexandra Ponce for her work titled “Battery Cell Holder” done in conjunction with Roger Salgado in D Chunlei Wang’s lab with Kevin Bechtold. 
May 2010: Wang group students will conduct joint research project with Kawarada Group at Waseda University.
April 2009: Senior design team (Kevin, Sean, Lorena, Ali and Joseph) won 2nd place in BME senior design project competition.
April 2009: Peggy received ACS-DNI (Doctoral New Investigator) grant.
Varun and Yamin finished their MS thesis defesne on spring 2009.
Congratulations Yamini!  for her 1st place award in 1st Annal Art and Design Competition@FIU.
Feb 5, 2009: Nanoimprinting System was shipped to AMERI/FIU! See pictures and video here. Installation and training are scheduled on second week of Feb.
Jan 2009: Peggy received Kauffman Professor Award. Kevin, thanks for all the help!
Jan 2009: DONE! Kevin‘s Kitchen project...... see picture here.
Jan 2009: Welcome! Mr. Chiwon Kang from Auburn University joined Wang group.as a visiting student on Spring 2009.
Dec 12-13,  2008: 2nd NIRT project meeting in Miami, Prof. Marc Madou@UCI and Prof. Sylvia Daunert@UK gave two invited talks in BME seminar. See marc‘s abstract and sylvia‘s abstract here.
Congratulations! Mr. Sunil Kumar Reddy Nimmala and Mr. Anup Bandarupalli graduated with Master degree on Dec 2008. See their picture here.
Congratulations! Dr. Wei Chen received Shell Prize on Nov 28 2008
Congratulations! Dr. Yan Yu received Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship, Aug, 2008
May 8, 2008: COMSOL workshop was hosted at EC2840
March 14, 2008: Prof. Bruce Dunn @UCLA visited Wang Lab and gave an invited talk at MME seminar.
March 2008: Peggy was selected as a 2008 DARPA Young Faculty Award winner.
Varun's "Plasma Ball" was chosen from nearly 200 high-quality artistic entries as one of  the 50 finalists to compete in 2008 MRS Spring Meeting "Science as Art" competition. Congratulations!
Aug 2007: 1st NIRT project kick off meeting at UCI Madou group.
Oct 26-27, 2006: Prof. Marc Madou@UCI visited Wang Lab and gave an invited talk at MME graduate seminar.