Week 6

Run 6-1 to understand procedures at home

Tutorial 6-2 page 355-360 “Test Average”

In lab copy and paste form1.vb from 2008 source code to 2003 new project named Test Average 2003. This is so your 2008 code will work in your 2003 software.  The bold section is the new code you add to your program.

Remember to check your homework section. You need to see the videos from the book and review quizzes.

Comment code from 2008 that will not work with 2003: eg.

Me.btnExit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False

And comment code that does not work with 2003 version of Visual Basic with compiling. It is usually the code that has the function UseVisuallyStyleBackColor

Tutorial 6-7 page 391 Building the Bagel House Application

Create a new Visual Basic Application called Bagel House

Remember to use Save All when working. If you don’t use it your files will not be saved correctly.

You can find the form already made with the GUI at this link:

You can either copy and paste the code to your Form1.vb or right click your mouse à Save Target as à and replace it with your Form1.vb

http://web.eng.fiu.edu/sminer/cop3175/programs/week6_form/Bagel House/Form1.vb

or http://www.cis.fiu.edu/~sbarrera/COP3175_Fall2008/Form1.vb

from: http://web.eng.fiu.edu/sminer

Tips: Some students had difficulties getting started because:

a.  They started at page 392 instead of 391. So they skipped creating a global constant variable:

Const decTAX_RATE As Decimal = 0.06D ‘Sales tax rate


Where do you put this variable? You put it outside the functions and inside the class. Usually at the top of your code.


b.  Students did not close the GUI code. They continued working with the GUI code as -. Therefore, they started getting confused and overwhelmed. Students need to close the – signs to + so they see the least amount of code. Then only look at the code that they are working on. They will not be working with the GUI code from View Code, but instead work with the GUI code from the properties box of each GUI control.


c.  Students did not know where to put the functions. Functions are located anywhere, but ideally put them at the end. Make sure to put the functions before end class; otherwise, the program will become corrupted. All programs are inside a class.


d.  Code in Step 4 such as ResetBagels( ) should be commented until used. So, once The code for ResetBagels () exists then you can use the function ResetBagels( ) inside the subprocedure Provate Sub btnReset_Click …etc.


e.  Variables such as radWhite were red because they were not declared. To declare them, go back to page 382 and look at the image. Match the radWhite label variable name with the label text name, White ($1.25). Look at the properties box of your control where White ($1.25) is being used. In the design section, put radWhite. Notice that variables are recognized as they are declared correctly. Then variables can be used.