Week 4


Remember Hotel Highlander, Tutorial 4-2 and 4-3, Tutorial 4-10 are HW.


Tutorial 4-2 page 198

Download code from Website Chapter 4 – Test Average 2

You will have to use WinZip in the lab. Right click your mouse and extract the same name of the path your are using. Eg. C:\Documents and Settings\temp\MyDocuments\Chap4. Use evaluation version – Classic – Express



Book Website: http://www.aw-bc.com/gaddisvb/ if you follow the link to companion website ->student, you will get the website for your book: http://wps.aw.com/aw_gaddis_vb2008_4/82/21176/5421292.cw/index.html



Right click your project from chapter 4 and deselect Read-Only.


Create a new project, call it Test Score Average 2 2003

Copy the file called Form1.vb from your Test Score Average 2 (Note: your 2008 version)

Paste the code into Test Score Average 2 2003, build and execute


Delete code that creates error messages:

Me.btnExit.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False

Me.btnClear.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False

Me.btnCalculate.UseVisualStyleBackColor = False


It is the code that is underlined. As you delete this code, you will have less compiler errors each time.


Follow the book instructions on page 198 Tutorial 4-2



sngAverage.ToString("n") formats the string. Try to remove (“n”) and see the difference.


Follow the book instructions on page 201 Tutorial 4-3


Go to page 201 and continue finishing your program. This time you will be providing letter grades to your program.


Remember to add lblGrade.Text = "" to your clear button, otherwise it will continue to have the grade after it has been cleared.


Tutorial 4-10 page 251


Learning about radio buttons, select case, if – else if


Must do to get credit!!!!!!

Page 256 Step 8 lblTotal.Text is not correct. The correct variable is lblTotalFee.Text

Problem: 2008 has function that does not exist in 2003, change function to CInt( String value )

If Not Integer.TryParse(txtMonths.Text, intMonths) Then

     MessageBox.Show(“Months must be valid integer”, _

              “Input Error”)


End If


Change to 2003 version, which should work with 2008 also:


   intMonths = CInt(txtMonths.Text)

Catch ex As Exception

     MessageBox.Show(“Months must be valid integer”, _

              “Input Error”)


End Try