Research Assistant Professor

Mohammad Reza Safaei, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Florida International University

Mail Address:
10555 W. Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33174

Dr. Mohammad Reza Safaei obtained his B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering -Thermofluid) and M.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering -Thermal Sciences) from Iran. In November 2015, he got his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering-Heat Transfer from the University of Malaya, Malaysia with distinction. The topic of his doctoral research was “Experimental and Numerical Study of Heat Transfer to Nanofluids in Closed Conduit Flows”. During his thesis research, he developed a convection heat transfer test rig, synthesized some innovative nanomaterials and nanofluids as well as some CFD projects. After that, he also has finished the nine-month Postdoc there, under the supervision of Associate Prof. Mahidzal Dahari in his advanced renewable energy.

During the past twelve years, he has gained a tremendous theoretical, numerical and practical insight into mechanical engineering. To date, he has supervised/mentored five B. Sc., more than ten M. Sc. and one Ph.D. student. He also has experience in using commercial CFD packages for more than ten years. Concerning his extra-curricular activities, he was appointed to the International Scientific Board of different conferences in Asia, Europe, and Australia. He had served the duties of the principal investigator (PI) of some projects from 2011, and now, he is a member of a dozen scientific societies, editor of 28 journals, and reviewer of more than 100 journals and conferences. He has published over 100 articles including “Hot Paper” honorifics.

The primary focus of his previous research was on the fields of heat and fluid flow, particularly in the fluid flow in porous media, turbulence fluids & modelling (K-ε, K-ω, RSM & LES), nanoscale heat transfer and fluid flow, multiphase flows, and CFD research.