EML 1533

Introduction to CAD for Mechanical Engineers

Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida International University

Summer B, 2020




INSTRUCTOR:  Dr. Wei-Yu Bao, room: EC 3234, phone: 305.348.6863, email: baow@fiu.edu,

web: http://web.eng.fiu.edu/wbao, office hours: 1:00-1:30 PM on Tuesdays and Fridays


SCHEDULE:       1:30 – 4:50 PM on Tuesdays and Fridays, Section U01B, Class #: 53534


TEXTBOOKS:   Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks 2018, 14E, by William E. Howard and Joseph C. Musto, McGraw-Hill, 2018, ISBN: 978 1259820175

Reference Books: Technical Graphics Communication, 4E, by Gary R. Bertoline, Eric N. Wiebe, Nathan W. Hartman, and William A Ross, McGraw-Hill, 2009, ISBN: 9780077221300


OBJECTIVES:   To introduce the fundamentals of solid modeling and technical graphics communication. To use CAD software to create parts, assemblies, and drawings for mechanical engineering designs.



1.             Introduction to Graphics Communication and CAD Software

2.             Projection and Engineering/Technical Drawing

3.             Part Modeling      

Exam 1

4.             Part Drawing

5.             Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

6.             Assembly and Assembly Drawing

Exam 2

7.             Introduction to Mechanism Design

8.             Modeling and Assembly of Linkage, Gear and Cam Mechanism

9.             Mechanism Motion Animation

Final Project Presentation



Homework:          20%, Homework assignments have to be submitted in both electronic and printed copies on time. Late homework will have 20% per day penalty. The electronic copies have to be emailed to eceml1533@gmail.com with a file name of EML1533_Section#_Homework#_Your Name.

Quizzes:                6%, Pop-up quizzes will be given in the class without previous announcement, open books and notes. There is no make-up quiz.

Exams:                  48%, Two exams will be given in the class, open books and notes. A makeup exam will be given only under unusual circumstances. A written request for a makeup exam must be provided.

Projects:                26%, Project assignments have to be submitted in both electronic and printed copies on time. The final project will be presented in the class.

Grade:                    A = 95.0 – 100                     C+ = 76.7 – 79.9                 

A- = 90.0 – 94.9                  C =  70.0 – 76.6                  

B+ = 86.7 – 89.9                  D = 60.0 – 69.9                   

B = 83.3 – 86.6                    F = below 60.0                    

B- = 80.0 – 83.2



ME Program Educational Objectives:       


Broad and in-depth knowledge of engineering science and principles in the major fields of Mechanical Engineering for effective engineering practice, professional growth, and as a base for life-long learning.

Hands-on experience with available instruments and lab techniques to bridge classroom learning and practical, “real-life” problems.

The ability to utilize analytical and experimental methods and modern computer technology for decision-making and engineering design and to solve realistic engineering problems.

The ability to work effectively with others in a team while simultaneously maintaining independent and creative thought.

The ability to communicate effectively and to articulate technical matters using verbal, written, and graphic techniques.

An adequate background to pursue graduate studies in engineering and other fields.

A sense of professional and social responsibility, including a commitment to protect both occupational and public health and safety, developed through consideration of moral, social, and ethical paradigms related to the engineering profession and practice.


ME Program Outcomes:


A. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics including statistics, multivariable calculus and differential equations, science including physics, and engineering.

F. Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.

G. Ability to communicate effectively.

I.  Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

K. Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.